Saturday, October 20, 2007

Home cooked meals?

I read this and thought it was worth sharing. I lead one of those hectic lifestyles. I'm always looking for fast food cause it's "easier". Well... Here is a little help...

Quick and Easy Dinners are a Busy Gal’s Best Friend
By Carly Young, Special to LifeScript
Saturday, October 20, 2007

When you’re in a rush and have no time to cook a full meal, it’s no wonder you end up eating junk. Unfortunately, a handful of chips, plateful of leftover pie and a few pieces of hard candy don’t count as a worthwhile meal. If you find that you’re always getting caught up in the whirlwind of life with no time to stop and smell the homemade stir-fry, it’s high time you developed some quick and easy dinners that can be prepared in a snap. Get your dinners on the table in 20 minutes flat by stocking up on the right quick-fix items. Keep canned veggies, rice and beans in your cupboards, and be sure you always have whole wheat pasta and spaghetti sauce ready for a quick 10-minute meal. Ground turkey is a fantastic quick-fix item to always have on hand in your freezer for a yummy turkey chili or turkey burgers that can be prepared in less than 10 minutes and ready to serve in another five minutes. Or if you have the time to cook on the weekends, prepare enough of a base item, like chicken, to turn into three meals later on in the week. A roast chicken prepared on Sunday can easily transform into shredded chicken tacos and chicken soup later, or it can just be popped in the microwave for tasty leftovers. When you plan ahead, you can save yourself from grabbing something you don’t even like in the desperation to fill your empty stomach after a busy day.

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