Monday, October 22, 2007

Game 7 ALCS October 21, 2007

The rookies are hot!
Mr MVP ~ Josh Beckett
My Tek and RJ's Pap
This is all i have to say...
Isn't it nice?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

THE Series

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When someone mentions names like those... You know we are talking about some of the best pitchers in MLB. Well, it so happens, that these pitchers have been in a soon to be 7 game series. The Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Indians. I have lived in Cleveland all my life... shouldn't i be an Indians fan? Ah... no. Long story, maybe i'll blog about it some other time... Well I happen to be a Sox fan with my husband. Clevelander's are not nice to each other if you don't root for the same team... So it kinda sucks. Here is my overveiw of the week.

Game 1~Red Sox 10, Indians 3
RJ would come home from work kinda pissy ... His boss and him don't get along this week because his boss is a die hard Indians fan. Mom and RJ have a "fun" rivalry going on. Mom proceeds to let everyone know I am a "trader".

Game 2~Indians 13, Red Sox 6 (11 inn)
RJ and I sat and watched this game together. It was getting really late and i wanted to go to bed. The Indians scored 7 runs in the 11th inning... I found that out the next day. RJ turned the Indians decals on our bathroom mirror upside down.

Game 3~Indians 4, Red Sox 2
I bought RJ tickets to this game (with his money of course!). I made him and his Aunt to go. Even though the Red Sox lost, he still got to go to an ALCS game with his Auntie in our hometown. =80) I proceed to get ridaculed at Estabrook for being a Sox fan. Steve dances around me in rejoice for his beloved Indians...

Game 4~Indians 7, Red Sox 3
We almsot had a chance... I mean we did hit 3 HR's in a row.

Game 5~Red Sox 7, Indians 1
Kim (Logan's godmother), took my mom to this game. RJ and mom should have switched games. At least they can look back at this year and say they went... I think this baseball year, RJ got mom more into sports/rivalries, and they have something they can agree to disagree on.

Game 6~Red Sox 12, Indians 2
Very well played, if I do say so myself. Nancy Drew (oops i mean J.D. Drew... RJ and I call him that) hit a grand slam in the 1st inning! Even the announcers had said that was the hit to make up for the season. Way -to- go Nancy!
Game 7~
Go Red Sox!!!
I have been saying this since before the series started, no matter who wins, both teams deserve to be where they are. I'll be glad when the series is over for Logan's sake... He's been having a clothes war between Daddy and Na-Na.

My family Slideshow

Home cooked meals?

I read this and thought it was worth sharing. I lead one of those hectic lifestyles. I'm always looking for fast food cause it's "easier". Well... Here is a little help...

Quick and Easy Dinners are a Busy Gal’s Best Friend
By Carly Young, Special to LifeScript
Saturday, October 20, 2007

When you’re in a rush and have no time to cook a full meal, it’s no wonder you end up eating junk. Unfortunately, a handful of chips, plateful of leftover pie and a few pieces of hard candy don’t count as a worthwhile meal. If you find that you’re always getting caught up in the whirlwind of life with no time to stop and smell the homemade stir-fry, it’s high time you developed some quick and easy dinners that can be prepared in a snap. Get your dinners on the table in 20 minutes flat by stocking up on the right quick-fix items. Keep canned veggies, rice and beans in your cupboards, and be sure you always have whole wheat pasta and spaghetti sauce ready for a quick 10-minute meal. Ground turkey is a fantastic quick-fix item to always have on hand in your freezer for a yummy turkey chili or turkey burgers that can be prepared in less than 10 minutes and ready to serve in another five minutes. Or if you have the time to cook on the weekends, prepare enough of a base item, like chicken, to turn into three meals later on in the week. A roast chicken prepared on Sunday can easily transform into shredded chicken tacos and chicken soup later, or it can just be popped in the microwave for tasty leftovers. When you plan ahead, you can save yourself from grabbing something you don’t even like in the desperation to fill your empty stomach after a busy day.

Thursday, October 18, 2007



Well, I see you have noticed I have decided to make my own website. Horray for me... (I have no freaking clue what i'm doing!) I have always admired RJ's aunt for having her own blog. Well, now it's time I have my own, a place where i can "let myself go". My brain goes a mile a minute and sometimes I can't keep up with it. Hope you enjoy getting to know "me".

I probably should tell you a little about me and my crazy but wonderful family, because that's mostly who i am going to be writing about. We are not perfect in any means, but who really is? We argue, laugh, play, talk, and the one thing that will never leave is the love we share for each other. So on that mushy note, let me intoduce you to my friends and family...

This is me and my husband RJ, Aug. 11th 2007.
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We met through my brother Matt... the big guy in this picture... Standing next to him is Zach, who i also met at the same time as RJ, almost 5 years ago.
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Next come's the people who made me and raised me. My Dad and Mom...
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The people who are next, are responsible for taking RJ under their wings when he needed it.
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This is RJ's Uncle and Auntie (Dominick and Gretchen).
My son Logan Joel Eisenmann is a blessing and a miracle. Everyone has such a love for him, and soon so will my blog =80)

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Next, i'm just going to show my wedding party and point people out...
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From left to right~Kat, Lauren, Michelle, Amanda, Ben (top), Zach, and Matt. Matt is my younger brother and Lauren is our younger sister. I have known Michelle since the Red Light/Green Light days. Kat is Lauren's best friend, Amanda is Matt's baby moma, Ben is a mutal friend, and Zach is like RJ's brother. So i hope that clears it up for ya =80).
So, now you know my family and friends! You'll get to know/hear about them more. As for this, My first blog on my own page! How about that... <3